I love the Steam player, but DeoVR is far more flexible and, of course, can play the. This is definitely the VR media viewer to have. Install codec pack and play with DirectShow to max out your GPU.To play streaming high dynamic range (HDR) video in Windows 10 (version 1803), the built-in display for your laptop, tablet, or 2-in-1 PC needs to. I have installed K-Lite codec pack, "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer", set LAV hardware decoder to DXVA2 (copy-back) and then to my GPU (RX 480), and set deovr to use "directshow".The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for. Codecs are required to encode and/or decode (play) audio and video. K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of codecs and related tools.DeoVR player will download video header and based on this information will send HTTP Range requests to the web. DeoVR is the best-in-class WebVr & VR video player for all available headsets.
aka : Download best audio, video codecs and tools for free - daily ADVANCED Codecs (formerly known as Windows 7 Codecs) is an audio and video codec package.Microsoft® DirectShow® is an architecture for streaming media on the Microsoft Windows® platform. Everything you need to get Whirligig running all the videos you want :) If you still don't want to install the klite pack I've also included a download below that only installs the LAV codecs and Codec Tweak Tools.

Either way I list below the LAV codec, TweakTools, tutorial on how to install klite and a link to klite.Bu pakette tüm videolar için gerekli olan codecleri bulabilir ve kurabilirsiniz. K-Lite Codec Pack videolar için gerekli olan codec yazılımları ve ilgili araçlar içeren bir pakettir.

I checked with the dev options, the GPU is being heavily struck when watching lower res videos, but not 5K videos. I found I had to install LAV, now 5K somewhat works, but lower res videos stutter/lag now.